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The talented people onboard

Time and again, clients put their people, projects, and success in our hands because we operate responsibly. Our history proves that you can trust us with the most critical aspects of your business.


We take our responsibility extremely seriously

Everyone working at Fred. Olsen Windcarrier fully recognise their huge responsibility. Time and again, clients put their people, projects, and success in our hands. And our history proves that you can trust us with the most critical aspects of your business. You can do so because we take our responsibility extremely seriously.

FOW 09252

Safe people create reliable relationships

We believe that if you feel safe, you perform well and make better decisions. Our people report every near miss and incident to keep each other safe, take responsibility and ownership of their workplace, and treat our vessels like their homes.

Our responsibility goes beyond the operations – it strengthens the trustful, transparent, and reliable relationship we aim to build with our clients.

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Knowledgable people foster a better safety culture

At Fred. Olsen Windcarrier, we prefer to employ our people on long-term fixed rotations as this allows our people to grow in experience and know-how. We can better educate and develop great leaders and foster an even more distinct safety culture where people contribute to improving in all areas - improvements that affect you, too. 

We work globally

Where we operate

Installation and O&M

Read about Installation

What we value

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