Bold Tern is capable of installing foundations and next generation wind turbines with a new and unique 1600t LEC 65500 leg encircling crane supplied by Huisman.
Read an article about the crane and other upgrades here.
Bold Tern is capable of installing foundations and next generation wind turbines with a new and unique 1600t LEC 65500 leg encircling crane supplied by Huisman.
Read an article about the crane and other upgrades here.
With its new crane and additional improvements to deck space and stability, Bold Tern is capable of installing foundations up to 1500t and handling all known next generation turbines:
4 x SG 11.0-200DD
3 x GE Haliade-X 12MW
3 x V236 - 15MW
3 x SG14-236DD (subject to tower weight)
A unique Huisman 1600t LEC 65500
Length: 132m
Hull breadth mid: 45m
Propulsion: Transit speed of 12 knots, DP2
Water depth range: 5.5 to 60m+
Crane: Huisman LEC 65500 around aft port leg
Max variable load: 9000t
Key performance of the new crane:
Aux hook 400t @165m above deck
1600t @31m @157.5 above deck
Friendly, helpful crew. Clean and tidy vessel at all times. Food is restaurant level.
- External Technician
Now with a new 1600t crane!
Brave TernReady for your most challenging installations
Blue TernDesigned to handle the turbines of the future
Blue Wind