FOWIC Logo Padding
FOW 05575

Our vessel track records

We have worked with all European wind turbine models in the market

We are comfortable with the various challenges in different regions, because we have worked with all wind turbine models in the market and hold experience down to the last detail. We are also confident operating globally because each of our vessels is designed to handle any regional demand.
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Brave Tern's track record

With an 1,600-ton Huisman LEC 65500 around aft port leg crane and 3,600m2 of open deck space, Brave Tern can transport, lift, and install turbines up to 250 blade diameters.

APAC 1680X668 01

Bold Tern's track record

With an 1,600-ton Huisman LEC 65500 around aft port leg crane and 3,600m2 of open deck space, Bold Tern can transport, lift, and install turbines up to 250 blade diameters.

IMG 3704

Blue Tern's track record

Blue Tern is a multi-purpose, four-legged and self-propelled DP2 jack-up installation vessel, designed to operate throughout the year in harsh offshore conditions.

Our fleet in numbers

+ 1108
Wind turbine generators installed
+ 66
Projects completed
99 %
Uptime on our vessels